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Welcome to Globish

Learn Globish (a basic form of English) online and on your mobile phone. Our goal is to offer the highest quality, most effective interactive Globish instruction service for non-English speakers worldwide.

The Team behind Globish is dedicated to education and has a successful history in educational software, online services and multimedia language instructions.

Since 2004, when the first books about Globish were published, the talk about Globish has changed. In that year, in forums on the Internet, many English teachers looked at the idea and then looked away, saying: "I cannot imagine anything important being said in Globish" and "They going to destroy our beautiful English language" and "Why can't they just learn how to speak decent English?" These forums are still on the Internet. You can Google them.

Now, 5 years later… there are very different questions in the same forums. Some of the same people from 2004 are now asking: "How many people now know enough English?" "Should the English teachers, who said 'you will never be good enough,' now still be the keepers of the flame?" and "Who will own the language?" And some few are beginning to ask: "How much English is enough?"

Perhaps in the next 5 years, more people will run out of money for never-ending English classes. And more people will decide to pursue careers and families and … life…instead of constantly pursuing -- year after year -- that goal of perfect English.

Globish may have their answer...

<strong>Globish The World Over - eBook</strong>-
Globish The World Over - eBook
<strong>Globish Baseball Cap (Beige)</strong>-
Globish Baseball Cap (Beige)
<strong>Globish Baseball Cap (Black)</strong>-
Globish Baseball Cap (Black)
<strong>Globish para principiantes</strong>-ingles, aprendan ,globish,  lessons
Globish para principiantes
Globish The World Over  - eBook (Hungarian Edition)-
Globish The World Over - eBook (Hungarian Edition)
Globish The World Over - eBook (Dutch Edition)-
Globish The World Over - eBook (Dutch Edition)
Globish The World Over - eBook (Spanish Edition)-
Globish The World Over - eBook (Spanish Edition)
Not Quite Shakespeare-
Not Quite Shakespeare
Globish The World Over -eBook  (Chinese Edition)-
Globish The World Over -eBook (Chinese Edition)
Globish The World Over - eBook (Polish Edition)-
Globish The World Over - eBook (Polish Edition)
Globish The World Over - eBook (Russian Edition)-ebook russian globish book english global
Globish The World Over - eBook (Russian Edition)